Top 10k strings from World Series Baseball (1985)(Imagine Software)[a].z80
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2 yq88qyyyyOWV 2 y889yyyyOxx 2 xy{{yy988q899y{{yxx 2 xyYqqy9>00pyyy89yxx 2 xqq999x::0py88;9yxxPP 2 xPyq8py9800pyy889yPP 2 xPPP9y88yx::0pvq9;yyPP 2 x9y99yxx8x~qp8;yyxxPPPxxxx 2 VyYYyy9>0888yyYYyPP 2 VWWWVVQPPPP 2 P9y99yqzxxxqqp9yyPP 2 N#^#V#~#fo 1 w 0ANDERSON 1 the length of game pressing 'L';the no. of players pressing 'P';the controls by pressing 'C';the skill level by pressing 'D'. 1 X.Would owner of car Reg. No. FID 111 please note that his car has been damaged as 3 other drivers tried to use the same parking space.After today's game there will be a collection for Joe Green, groundsman here for 50 Years who is retiring next month.Refreshments available at this stadium 1 X who wins two tickets to see Barry Manilow in concert. Next week 3 more to be got rid of.Err... WON !!Written by IAN MORRISON and DAVID J. ANDERSON with assistance from Robin Muir.Congratulations to Bill 'Barney Rubble' Smith this years TOP scorer who's wife has just had twins.Today's attendance is 1 WORLD SERIES BASEBALL Inst. <3> Before commencing play you will be asked to enter your nameSimply type in your name and press 'ENTER'. 1 WORLD SERIES BASEBALL Inst. <2> 1 Vy9998qqy8yyyp99yPP 1 V99yqqqyyxyyy8xy9PP 1 SWORLD SERIES BASEBALL Inst. <1> The Rules in Brief:- 1 STRIKE 0!FOUL! 1 SPECTRUMBEATDREW WITHIN 1 Py9998qqy8yyyp99yPP 1 PRESSS START 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO MENU 1 POLICE MESSAGE : Beware of pickpockets.Would the driver of RED Ferrari Reg. No. HFC 666 please remove it from the directors space immediately.Would Joe 90 age eight please meet his anxious mother at gate 13.The winner of today's Lottery is programme no. 1 P99yqqqyyxyyy8xy9PP 1 OUTFIELD OUTOUTFIELD IN 1 N#F#^#V#~# 1 Keys for both players can be defined or 1 of 4 joysticks may be selected. 1 KEMPSTON SINCLAIR 1 GAME OVERSIGN ON PLAYER X 1 BNMspHJKLeYUIOP6789054321TREWQGFDSAVCXZc 1 0|H(8(((80 1 0phhhiiih(iGGzzoGhh(0 1 .YES, we know you've heard it before. 1 .POTATO CHIPS 50c 1 .POPCORN $1 1 .PEPSI 75c 1 .ICE-CREAM from $1 plus many other snacks.REMEMBER : NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON A MONSTER !! 1 . 'HI MUM!!'.IMAGINE... the name of the game ARE BACK! IMAGINE... the name of the game ARE BACK!WORLD SERIES BASEBALL is not available from Hairdressers,Pharmacists or branches of DOROTHY PERKINS.Be ALERT. Your country needs LERTS 1 SOFTWARE 1 NOTICE : The club would like to announce a special showing of THE NATURAL starring Robert Bedford next Friday ; tickets from the box office.Special celebrity match on Sunday featuring W.Miner, M.Mole, J.Pac, U.JEAN, H.O.Bit, T.Hitch and Screeming Foulup, S.I.Vada and others.This announcer would like to say 1 Imagine Software 1985 1 I Instructions C Alter ControlsP 1/2 Players L Change InningsD Difficulty 1 GAME OVER 1 David J. Anderson with music by Robin Muir. 1 CAPSPAENTSYM 1 Abort the game. 1 1 PLAYER SKILL HARDFAIREASYINNINGS 3 6 9GAME CONTROL OPTIONPLAYER 1 0MORRISON 1 HOME RUN! 1 FIRE HOLD'ENTER' NO CHANGE 'D' DEFINE KEYS 'J' SELECT JOYSTICK WEQAZHOPIKsH 1 World Series Baseball was written by Ian Morrison and 1 When you are ready to start play press 'S'. 1 The stadium will appear and you can now select team colours using left and right to rotate selections and fire to select. The game should now commence with a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. 1 On returning to the menu you can alter: 1 During the game use 'H' to Hold play or 'T' and 'H' to 1 Baseball is a ball game akin to rounders played by 2 teams. One team bats, the other fields and points are scored when a successful batter runs round allfour points of a square (bases) marked on the playing area. 1 A match normally lasts Nine Innings but in this version the length is variable. An Innings lasts as long as the batting side can avoid having three men dismissed from play for: failingto hit 3 successive attempts; a fielder catching the ball; beingtagged by the fielder with the ball whilst running; or being run out by a fielder at a base.